Friday, July 5, 2013


Things are trotting right along here on The Farm.
Even though it's vacation time.
And even though I'm not leaving the state until Fallish....I am definitely on Vacation.

I will explain:

Things I am on Vacation from:

Apparently, this Blog
(even though I will be irritated later that I documented NOTHING lately)

(I serve my family home-cooked meals 5 days a week, year round, no matter what)
(hence the vacation)
(the kids are loving take-out, I am loving buying them take-out)

3 and 4
(not really by choice...but when Grandma and Grandpa offer to take
you to Provo to see them off on their mission to Alaska, and that means
you get to see 2 and The totally go!)

Grandpa and Grandma
(Hughes' parents)
(Just retired from being Bishop, The Principal, and The Teacher, respectively)
(They left for their mission to Anchorage, Alaska!)
(After a brief stop at the PROVO MTC)
(So Cool!)
(It's only a 12 month mission or we would be crying huge tears of Anguish.)
(we still cried a little.)

Dressing The Triplets
(Don't believe me?  Drive by anytime and check them out.)
(They do wear diapers.)
(Boys poop.)

Things I am not on Vacation from:

(with the bride in another state, no less)
(I need an assistant)

(People.  I have ten kids.)
(Eight live here, and for the most part, they all wear clothes)

(We have a lot)
(Plus, I volunteered 3 and 4 to watch the neighbors animals and 
then promptly sent them off with Grandma and Grandpa)
(Seriously, I'm not that bright.)


Dear Hughes:
If you are really nice to me,
I will think about cooking dinner.

In two weeks.

Thank you and you are welcome.

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