Monday, September 16, 2013

New Friends.


When we made the big move south to The Farm,
I wasn't nervous at all about most of my kids and their social status.

4 was ten.
4 is a friend magnet.
4 is a leader.
4 will rock it out no matter where I plop her.

But 3?
She was going into Junior High...and I had pangs of doubt 
about moving her.

But I knew this was our chance.  We had to do it between her 6th and 7th grade break.

So we did.

3 is quiet.
3 is a watcher.
3 is always included but never the center of attention.
3 has a quiet self esteem about her, but she is quiet nonetheless.
3 is a listener, not a talker.
3 is a serious genius.

But when you are quiet, and not the center of attention always,
sometimes it's a little harder to make new I did.  I worried a little.

How silly I am.

3 will do great things wherever she goes!  Including making friends.
 Including blowing teacher's minds that she is, in fact, that respectful and kind and courteous.
(she was born this way) 
(all credit where credit is due)

Why did I ever worry?

3 is awesome.  And this is 3 and her new friend Delaney.....sharing push pops during
lunch break.  Just doesn't get better than that in the 8th grade.....

Dear 3:

Thanks for being Dreamy, Calm, Courageous,
Respectful, Modest, Awesome,

and for never, ever letting yourself down.

Love you so much,

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