Friday, April 18, 2014

Sparkles Wins!

 Last week was kind of a winning week for us.

4 has been competing all season at various dance competitions.
She has been competing a duet in the Musical Theater category.
 Her and Katie have done awesome all year!
They have scored well, and have received great reviews.
But they never placed in the overall placing, which is just what it sounds like.
First, Second, and so forth.

Until last weekend that is.

My little 4 and her ADORBS partner Katie placed for the first time in the overalls.
Fourth?  Seventh?  Second?

Nope. Nope. and NOPE.

They took FIRST.
First time placing and they took FIRST.

Holy Cow!  If you guys knew how hard that is!!!

It was pure awesomeness.
Dear 4:
The first time I saw you do this duet I knew it was a winner.
Because you are for sure a winner.

4, I know it scares you to get up on that giant stage and
perform in front of a gazillion people.

Even though you pretend it doesn't, I know it does.

I am so proud of you for pushing through this season
and delivering a winning performance!

Hard work and practice pay off big!
In the form of a gigantic trophy that we get to keep!

I am so proud of you for working hard and improving after every competition.
Until you got that win.

Hard work and perseverance always win.
Don't forget.

Love you so much,

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