Thursday, March 11, 2010

Decoration #2, L is for Love.

a. This letter L was born as a wish in 2's pretty little head.
b. I need a new camera since these pictures were taken 5 seconds apart and the walls look like two different shades of pink.

2 wanted an L over her bed. So we went to Home Depot, bought some wood, agonized over a font, picked a font, drew the L freehand on the wood. Okay, okay, The Husband drew the L freehand on the wood. Then The Husband cut out the L, 2 and I went shopping for paper that sang to our crafty souls, and while we were there 2 picked out some ribbon and bling.

Then we came home, cut out the paper,
got out the Modge Podge, did our Modgie Magic,
added the ribbon, flowers, and bling (which I am LOVING by the way).

And WaaaaLaaaa.

2 has her L.

Dear Hubby,
Please go to Home Depot and buy A LOT of brackets.
For the L and for all of the other projects that are in my head and will surely make their way out of my head in the form of decorations for our new house in Harmony Park by the end of the month.
Because you will need brackets for all the hanging you will be doing. Get lots of brackets.

p.s. Thanks for your help with the L. You are my hero and I love you.

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