Monday, January 30, 2012

The girly girls take a break. For one day.

 Happiness is having a best friend.

Happiness is having a best friend with daughters
the same age as 3 and 4. 
 Happiness is that best friend living in the middle of nowhere.
But really only 25 minutes away.
With horses, chickens, tractors, and 4 wheel drives. 
 Happiness is taking a break from being girlylicious
and visiting the middle of nowhere. 
 And then coming home, of course.
And right away painting our nails.
And maybe doing our hair.
Even though we aren't going anywhere. 

Dear Mrs. Mosley:

As if you could get any more perfect.  Built in friends for my girls, and living in the country.
Thank goodness we picked each other back in 1983.
We were smart little things, right?


1 comment:

  1. Just too awesome for words. I hope they will be best friends too.


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