Monday, June 9, 2014

May 361 MaLeisa 7

 So.  We survived another May.

Fun things to remember about May 2014:
A walked around with a broken foot for 2 weeks.
Don't judge me, he barely limped.
This is him the day he got his boot off.
It was much harder on me than him, trust me.
 We spent many, MANY hours waiting on people.
To get done with dance.
To get done with Volleyball.
To get done with gymnastics.
Waiting is so awesome.
 Of course I did lots of face timing with my girls.
If I didn't I think I would die.
And why are 2's teeth so perfect?
Helped 4's 6th grade class make Mummy masks.
Super creepy.
But always fun to see my kids in their school environment.

 Spent some time on the couch
like this with A.
He dresses himself you guys.

 Carver started T-Ball.
I. Die.
 3 decided to become even more
fabulous than she was in April.
She nailed it.
 Splash pads, splash pads, splash pads.

 Year end piano recital.
Awesome, AWESOME teacher!
They are getting so good!!!
 And to top May off?
A Pool Party of course.

Dear May:
Until next time.
I will be ready.

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