Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Little Combination.

 Last week, Hughes and I found ourselves on an errand with this Little Combination of children.

I mean, we are out and about all the time.  Together, alone.  But usually always with
some sort of combination of the children, picking them up here, dropping them off there...you know the deal.


Last week it was the four of us.  And I realized, sometime during the afternoon, that it was the
first time this exact combination had been alone with us.

Fitting, really.  Since Baby B was just legalized and everything, giving A the little brother he wasn't sure he wanted, but loves just the same.
 This day, we found ourselves 10 miles north, in our old neighborhood.

When we moved, I moved heart and soul.  New ward, new schools, new movie theatre, new bank location, new grocery store, new pedicure spot, new everything.

But there are two things that I'm going to have to move a whole lot more than 10 miles to give up.
1. My hairdresser.  I mean, come ON.
2. Our car place.  You know, for oil changes and stuff.

So...we found ourselves in the old hood, killing some time while our car got it's (synthetic!) (for 80.00 DOLLARS!) oil changed.
 We walked across the street, and took A and Baby B to lunch.  It was a leisurely lunch.  Sadly, we found ourselves with another hour to kill, even after that.

So we wandered in to Barnes and Noble.

I wasn't very confident of this decision, with a barely 2 year old and a barely 1 year old, but we gave it a shot.  I could read to them, I thought.  They love getting read too.

So I shooed them over to the children's section.  
And we read.
Played with stuffed animals.
Paraded on the stage.
Played with the train table.
And talked to other patrons doing the same.

And all the while, the staff at Barnes and Noble happily supported us just hanging out.
For an hour.

It was awesome.

And yes, I did drop some cash....we were in a bookstore after all.  And I read at least 2 novels a week....
It was a pretty fabulous day.  
And here's to many more outings with Combination A and Baby B.

 Dear Barnes and Noble:
Why are you guys so

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