Wednesday, February 13, 2013


It's morning and I'm rushing around.
I have an infant.
2 one year olds.
1 two year old.
And a 4 year old.

They all need to be bathed and dressed.
This morning especially, since CPS is coming over at 8:30 am.
Granted, this is a normal occurrence, but still.

So I help Little Miss get dressed, her hair goes in a ponytail with a big bow, and I move on to the boys.
I put in all the toddlers to play in bubbles.
I bathe the baby.

I take him in to lotion, diaper, and dress him.
Then on to the next biggest, then the next biggest.
Then I go into get A, who is the biggest in the tub.

(and no I don't leave them unattended, their room is literally 2 steps away, 
and I have them in my sights at all times)

Anyways, I go into get A, and I'm super smug because the morning is going so smoothly.
Smugness gets you every time.

And I saw Baby B diving in...fully clothed.
And super proud of himself.

Not cool Baby B.
So not cool.

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